Vogelweidpark is close to ice rink Halle C - Die EisStadthalle and furniture store Gala Möbel.
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Where is Vogelweidpark located?
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Which is the fastest route to Vogelweidpark? What is the estimated walking time or driving time?
How do I get to Vogelweidpark by public transport?
Train station Wien Westbahnhof (812 m)
Bus stop Vogelweidplatz/Stadthalle (119 m)
Bus stop Moeringgasse (132 m)
Bus stop Burggasse-Stadthalle (350 m)
Bicycle rental Markgraf-Rüdiger-Straße (231 m)
Bicycle rental Fröbelgasse (307 m)
Bicycle rental Burggasse-Stadthalle U (348 m)
Tram stop Burggasse-Stadthalle (367 m)
Tram stop Camillo-Sitte-Gasse (425 m)
Tram stop Guntherstraße (428 m)
Subway station Burggasse-Stadthalle (340 m)
Subway station Thaliastraße (630 m)
Subway station Schweglerstraße (702 m)
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Which other park are near Vogelweidpark?
Distance: 181 m
Distance: 243 m
Distance: 296 m
Distance: 302 m
Distance: 466 m
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