Anton-Baumann-Park is close to school Kampfkunstschule Dojang Wien Taekwondo and school Volksschule am Baumannpark.
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Where is Anton-Baumann-Park located?
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Which is the fastest route to Anton-Baumann-Park? What is the estimated walking time or driving time?
How do I get to Anton-Baumann-Park by public transport?
Train station Wien Gersthof (1,5 km)
Bus stop Michelbeuern-AKH (69 m)
Bus stop Alser Straße (405 m)
Bus stop Palffygasse (561 m)
Bicycle rental Michelbeuern-AKH U (152 m)
Bicycle rental Alser Straße U6 (465 m)
Bicycle rental Johann-Nepomuk-Vogl-Platz (483 m)
Tram stop Michelbeuern-AKH (147 m)
Tram stop Eduardgasse (268 m)
Tram stop Alser Straße (403 m)
Subway station Michelbeuern-AKH (132 m)
Subway station Alser Straße (452 m)
Subway station Währinger Straße-Volksoper (749 m)
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Which other park are near Anton-Baumann-Park?
Distance: 411 m
Distance: 430 m
Distance: 454 m
Distance: 559 m
Distance: 614 m
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