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Electricity price aWATTar - Yesterday

Price comparison

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
6,65 4,99 4,60 3,50 3,37 4,75 6,56 8,62 8,21 8,00 7,68 6,94 7,68 8,00 9,03 10,41 12,20 12,82 12,83 12,82 10,60 9,03 8,71 7,35


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Analysis working day (7 am - 7 pm)

B2 Best 2 hours 11 am - 1 pm7,31
B Cheap 11 am - 12 pm6,94
T Expensive 6 - 7 pm12,83

All prices: Cent / kWh (incl. aWATTar fees, excl. taxes) - last update:

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