Sasaki - Feel Japan is a convenience store and is close to laundry Tichy Textilreinigung and museum Schubert Geburtshaus.
How far is convenience store from me?
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Where is convenience store Sasaki - Feel Japan located?
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Which is the fastest route to convenience store Sasaki - Feel Japan? What is the estimated walking time or driving time?
When is Sasaki - Feel Japan open? Is the Convenience store open today?
Monday - Friday | 10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Saturday | 10:00 - 14:00 |
Phone number:
How do I get to convenience store Sasaki - Feel Japan by public transport?
Train station Wien Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof (434 m)
Train station Wien Spittelau (920 m)
Bus stop Canisiusgasse (84 m)
Bus stop Lichtentaler Gasse (85 m)
Bus stop Nußdorfer Straße/Alserbachstraße (253 m)
Bicycle rental Canisiusgasse (213 m)
Bicycle rental Alserbachstraße (243 m)
Bicycle rental Althanstraße (380 m)
Tram stop Canisiusgasse (85 m)
Tram stop Nußdorfer Straße/Alserbachstraße (176 m)
Tram stop Augasse (324 m)
Subway station Währinger Straße-Volksoper (465 m)
Subway station Nußdorfer Straße (501 m)
Subway station Friedensbrücke (655 m)
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Which other convenience store are near Sasaki - Feel Japan?
Distance: 166 m
Distance: 306 m
Distance: 344 m
Distance: 392 m
Distance: 535 m
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